Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa pt. „Redefining the Concept of Jurisdiction in the Digital Age” organizowana przez Institute of Comparative Law (Institut za upredni pravo) na Uniwersytecie w Belgradzie (Serbia) oraz Wydział Prawa Uniwersytetu w São Paulo (Brazylia) odbędzie się w 12 września 2024 r. (czwartek) od godz. 10:00  w auli Rektoratu Uniwersytetu w Belgradzie – Studentski trg 1.

Wydarzenie będzie miało charakter hybrydowy – stacjonarnie oraz zdalnie na platformie Zoom.

Informacje o wydarzeniu – link

Link do połączenia online – tutaj

Kontakt do Organizatorów: ejurisdiction2024@iup.rs

This conference promises to be a landmark event, bringing together leading minds to explore the impact of digitalization on legal jurisdiction.

The digital era has fundamentally challenged traditional legal frameworks, particularly in terms of jurisdiction within the judiciary. Our conference seeks to address these challenges, focusing on the evolution of jurisdictional concepts, the balance of powers, and the digital technologies’ implications on due process and jurisdictional limits. Key themes include the transition from the French to the American model of judicial valorization, the integration of AI and electronic procedures in legal processes, and the global internet’s role in redefining legal boundaries.

This event will provide a comprehensive platform for dialogue among legal scholars, practitioners, and policymakers, aiming to deepen our understanding of jurisdiction in the digital age and to identify pathways forward. Through keynote speeches, panel discussions, and collaborative sessions, participants will gain valuable insights into adapting legal systems to the realities of the digital world, ensuring justice, fairness, and the rule of law.

The proposed debate will seek to understand how the concept of jurisdiction, in different legal traditions, has been altered at the threshold of the transformations of the Digital Age. To do so, panelists have been prompted to reflect on this flow of changes, utilizing a deductive vertical axis that seeks perceptions from different layers of approximation, aiding in understanding how the law behaves in these moments of transformation. From a conception of law as an institutional practice that combines ideas, legal categories, and actions, the symposium will seek to organize presentations across these three different layers of reflection. In summary, the focus is, through concrete comparison between different legal traditions, to analyze how long-term, medium-term, and short-term legal structures behave in moments of radical change—such as the current Digital Age.