Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa pt. State, Security and Human Rights in the Digital Era organizowana cyklicznie przez Wydział Prawa Państwowego Uniwersytetu Mołdawskiego w Kiszyniowe we współpracy z Wydziałem Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego odbędzie się w Kiszyniowie (Republika Mołdawii) w dniach 14-15 grudnia 2023 r. (czwartek – piątek). Wydarzenie będzie miało charakter hybrydowy.
At a distance of 75 years since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the need to strengthen efforts to protect human rights has not lost its significance but has increased. Against the background of current challenges, generated, on the one hand, by crises and armed conflicts, on the other hand – by the accelerated digitization of the society, ensuring the protection of human rights in the digital era has become an equation with multiple unknowns. In this sense, the scientific-practical conference State, Security and Human Rights in the Digital Age is a platform for dialogue between actors interested in ensuring fundamental rights and freedoms.
The international scientific-practical conference offers the opportunity to reaffirm the assumed commitment to respect, guarantee, protect and promote the rights of today’s and tomorrow’s generations, it is a call to strengthen efforts to protect children’s rights and educate them in the spirit of human rights paradigm.
This year the international scientific-practical conference State, Security and Human Rights in the Digital Age is at its 8th edition and is organized within the Project Modernization of governance mechanisms focused on the protection of human rights.
Na konferencji będę miał przyjemność wygłosić referat pt. E-delivery System in Poland – a Challenge or a Necessity.
Strona internetowa Państwowego Uniwersytetu Mołdawskiego w Kiszyniowie
(Universitatea de Stat din Moldova) – zobacz