Ukazał się szósty numer czasopisma Access to Justice in Eastern Europe (AJEE Journal) – 1/2020

- About issue 1/2020
- C.H. Remco van Rhee, Towards Harmonised European Rules of Civil Procedure: Obligations of teh Judge, the Parties and their lawyers , s. 6 – 33;
- Tatjana Zoroska Kamilovska, Privatization of Civil Justice: Is it underming or Promoting the Rule of Law?, s. 34 – 45;
- Agnieszka Gołąb, Recent Developments in Polish Civil Procedure in the Field of Public Hearing, s. 46 – 57;
Conference Papers
- Vladyslava Turkanova, Open Enforcement: New Approach of Ukraine in Access to Justice, s. 58 – 68.

strona AJEE: www.ajee-journal.com
kontakt: info@ajee-journal.com