W najnowszym numerze Studia Iuridica – The Functions of the Supreme Court – Issues of Process and Administration of Justice (2019, tom 81) ukazał się artykuł mojego autorstwa pt. Access to the Supreme Court – Polish Approach.

Czasopismo zawiera zbiór referatów wygłoszonych na organizowanej przez International Association of Procedural Law (IAPL) międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej, która odbyła się na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim oraz w Sądzie Najwyższym w czerwcu 2014 r.

Cały numer Studia Iuridica – link

Summary: The article presents the evolution of cassation complaint in Polish civil procedure. The author describes the nature of this appellate measure and the requirements of its admissibility. Aditionally, the text provides an insight into a preliminary procedure designed to select cassation complaints, which will be subsequently examined by the Supreme Court on the merits. The author depicts the evolution of Polish cassation into an extraordinary appellate measure and analyses how it has affected access to the Supreme Court. He argues that the preliminary acceptance procedure does not constitute a limitation of the admissibility of the cassation complaint. It is an additional, independent instrument regulating access to the Supreme Court. In his view, selection of admissible complaints with regard to preliminary acceptance is a better solution than developing limitations related to the admissibility of cassation complaints. The author concludes that requirements for cassation complaints are high and difficult to fulfil. The special character of cassation complaint, the relevance of the institution of preliminary selection, as well as other limitations, justify the thesis that Polish procedural law provides only a narrow access to the Supreme Court.

Kategorie: Aktualności